Sunday 6 March 2011


 On Friday 25th February Gary and I visited Pedestrian Arts in Leicester. 
Pedestrian works  within community arts and education, providing education and training in a wide range of Urban Art Forms, Street Sports and the Media. 
Pedestrian has its beginnings in Northampton, running club nights, and supporting young turntablists and graffiti artists. It has developed into a very successful organisation based in Leicester where it provides learning opportunities for a variety of young people.
Sam Whelan, Pedestrian's director, very kindly gave up a couple of hours to talk us through their work and to their plans to work more in Northamptonshire.

Sunday 27 February 2011

Enterprising Streak

Back after a winter hibernation with news of this website promoting enterprise among young people in the East Midlands.

Enterprising Streak is a website dedicated to young people in the East Midlands. It’s crammed full of information, ideas, events and services on how to unleash their enterprising streak. People who are enterprising can change the way their local community looks, the way people do their jobs and what direction business and society develops.  Enterprise is a skill, it is something that can be learnt and developed.

Sunday 5 December 2010

How enterprising are you?

How enterprising are you? 
There's now an online test available.
You need to add your details and the code AA33 when prompted.
Take 5 minutes to find out here

Thursday 25 November 2010

Schools are churning out the unemployable

I realised that, for all the talk of encouraging entrepreneurial attitudes in schools and giving more choice to students, too many schools still hadn't understood what's actually required to do this successfully, in a way that benefits society later. I thought that the best way to help schools understand how lessons, curricula or resources could be planned to this end would be to always spend a good part of the week in the sharpest end of that societal and business world. Ewan McIntosh challenging conventional orthodoxies

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Help at hand

'In order for business and enterprise to work in schools particularly it must be woven throughout the fabric of the organisation. It is that simple – it’s black and white'  
Pat Moores

Based in  Northamptonshire, Pat Moores is a marketing consultant with a background in business and the experience of working with schools, developing and leading business and enterprise at the heart of education. Pat has already worked with The Mighty Creatives and Northamptonshire schools and has some useful insights to offer. You can read about her involvement with TMC here.

Monday 18 October 2010

The Four Stages of Freelance Success

Lateral Action describes itself as 
a web publication that aims to help you succeed (however you define success) by getting you to realize that busy does not equal productive or more importantly,innovative.
Author Mark McGuinness (and others): 
provide tips and techniques that help you focus on doing remarkable things, rather than getting trivial things done or never moving beyond “creative thinking.

A new post considers the journey from Amateur to Freelancer to Professional to Soloist. You can read more about it here.

There's a link to Lateral Action on the right

Friday 15 October 2010

Changing Education Paradigms - Sir Ken Robinson

Sir Ken Robinson has been a consistent advocate for the importance of Creativity in Schools.

This animated presentation gives some idea of his insights into the subject.